sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

I don't know know what is it about layers, but i find layers everywhere.
I thought it over dinner last night. And today it came to my mind, the darkest layers that every one has, the deepest no one sees, some women sense, but they can't understand them.
Layers on love, on betrayal, on faithfulness, on social behavior, on personal behavior...
I feel intriged in all these layers, and tagled by all of them, til I can't breath anymore.
I don't know what it is about layers, but I guess they lie everywhere. And sometimes, I wish I were a kid, so that layers would only lie on food, on Lego, or any other funny structure we can find.
Zoodiac signs show their layers in different ways too, and in times of desperation, everyone shows their deepest fears, their deepest dispairs, their deepest posessions.
I find myself in between thousands of layers: social, cultural, economical, humoristical, parental, educational, and so on.
But I don't quite seem to change my layers, they seem to follow me everywhere I go. And no matter what happens, layers, are a part of me, a part of what I am to me or to others.
Safety is a matter of how you hide in between your layers, love, is a matter of how you play in between yours and other people's layers, and lust, is only lust!
Layers, dreams, colors. Layers, ambitions, and music.
Layers. Layers. Layers.
Today I just thought about layers.

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